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All About DJ Mikey
----- Currently hitting you from Boston, Massachusetts, Michael "DJ MIkey" Willoughby is the Wagon's representative to the Cambridge rock scene. Friends with first Jismo, then followed by Pablo (like the next day), Mikey took part in the trio's plans to rewire all of their respective dorms in Oswego for then lightning-quick AppleTalk. (Remember, the modem pools maxed out at 9600 in those days - state school and all) Mikey hung with Pablo and Jismo (as well as other folk) in Pablo's very own "Sunset Inn" nightclub on SUNY Oswego's campus. The scene of much industrial, techno and naked nights, Mikey helped Jismo maintain the club's ailing technical equipment. After more semesters at Oswego, Mikey felt the call of industry and began a series of character-building career choices. These culminated in his move to Boston, where he started working for "the Man."

Mikey is a Virgo, enjoys alcohol, ear-drum pounding rock shows, faking Boston accents, and checking out "the scenery."

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